Annual HUD-required

Annual HUD-required “Point in Time Count” of persons who are experiencing homelessness: 

In South Putnam County, the annual Homeless Count required by the federal Dept. of Housing/Urban Development (HUD), will take place Wed – Friday, January 25 – 27 2023.     The organizer for our area is SMA Healthcare in Palatka, behavioral services provider.   Volunteers are needed, who can use a tablet, and a training session will be announced soon. 

Things needed in Crescent City — 

— volunteers to do the count 

— people to identify locations where unsheltered people are sleeping/camping

— items for ‘goody bags’ that are given to homeless persons — socks, warm clothing, personal care items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and lotion. Smaller bottles are preferred.  

— a location in Crescent City and/or Pomona Park that is willing to provide a breakfast or lunch and possibly a respite center on the day/s of the Count,   for both volunteers, and people who wish to be counted.   

— people to help put up posters when we get them 

Anyone who wishes to help can contact, Lisa Kane DeVitto, at 850-443-0214 or [email protected]    I am waiting to hear more definite information about exactly the day or days there will be Point in Time count activities in South Putnam.   

Donations can be made at City Hall at the Administrative Office