The City has developed this Land Development Code (LDC) to implement its Comprehensive Plan and to streamline the development review process. The LDC sets forth regulations, requirements, and procedures governing the use and development of land for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City and to enhance the appearance, function, and livability of the City, to the end of improving the overall quality of life within the community.
The City's LDC is divided into nine (9) articles which are available for download in PDF format using the following links:
Disclaimer: This Land Development Code and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the City. These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation.
For further information regarding the official version of any of these Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the City directly at (386) 698-2525.