RFP 2023-01
Issued January 13, 2023. Deadline for Submission January 27, 2023.
Introduction and Background:
The City of Crescent City maintains a City Hall facility with 9 office spaces, two reception areas, a large meeting chamber, a break room, and three restrooms. The City also maintains an annex, which has 4 offices, a reception area, a conference room, a break room, and two restrooms. The City of Crescent City is soliciting proposals for a two (2) year contract with two (2) one-year options for cleaning services for these two City buildings.
Vendors are required to submit written proposals that present the vendor’s qualifications and understanding of the work to be performed. The vendor’s proposal should be prepared simply and economically and should provide all the information it considers pertinent to its qualifications for the specifications listed herein. Emphasis should be placed on the completeness of services offered and clarity of content.
The proposal must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, January 27, 2023, directly to the Crescent City City Hall at the following address:
City of Crescent City Attn: City Manager – Request for Proposal for Cleaning Services 3 N. Summit Street Crescent City, FL 32112
Proposal Content – A completed proposal must contain the following:
• Proposal & Signature Page – The proposal must be complete and signed by an individual authorized to bind the vendor. All proposals submitted without A signature may be deemed non-responsive.
• References – Proposals shall include a list of three (3) references including name, address, phone number, and contact person. The City reserves the right to contact references other than, and/or in addition to, those furnished by a vendor.
Proposal Period – Proposal prices are to be firm for ninety (90) days.
Proposal Award – It is the intent of thecITY to accept the lowest responsible proposal, provided it has been submitted in accordance with the proposal documents. If a proposal is selected it will be the most advantageous regarding price, quality of service, the Vendors qualifications and capabilities to provide the specified service and other factors which the City of Crescent City may consider. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities therein. The proposal will be approved publicly at the February 15, 2023, Crescent City City Commission meeting.
Term and Renewal – The term of the Contract shall be for a two (2) year contract with two (2) one-year options unless earlier terminated. The Contract may be terminated by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice.
Basis of Payment – Payment will be made to the contractor within 30 days of receiving the contractor’s monthly invoice. The invoice shall state the date the service was performed and the amount for each building. Special services provided will be billed via a separate invoice and described by the service provided and the date it was provided.
Proposal to Include:
Six (6) bound copies and one electronic copy on a drive with the following sections:
1. Cover Letter with the signature of individual authorized to bind the company
2. Qualifications and experience
4. Cost breakdown: Monthly fee, incidentals, special projects, etc.
5. References
Include a description of professional liability insurance including policy provider and limits.
Any or all proposals may be rejected or accepted for any reason deemed appropriate by the City