The following Standard applies to all Burn Permits:
- Obtain a permit from of your local fire department.
- Make sure you meet the required setbacks (outlined in this pamphlet).
- Burn only vegetative garden and yard trash as defined in Code Section 9.1(e).
- Don’t burn on windy days; even if you have a valid burn permit.
- Never leave your fire unattended.
- Keep a phone and water hose nearby in case your fire escapes or gets out of control.
- Be sure your smoke will not obstruct.
- Visibility on roadways or be a nuisance to your neighbors.
- Always completely extinguish your fire before leaving it.
City Burn Permit
How to get a Permit
Burn permits shall be obtained by contacting the Fire Department at least 24 hours in advance of the proposed burn by calling 698-1212.
You must provide your:
- Name
- The address or location of the proposed burn
- Details regarding the type and amount of materials you propose to burn
- Phone # where you can be reached
All burn permits shall be subject to the standard requirements.
Neither the City of Crescent City, the Crescent Fire Department, or any of their employees or volunteers will be responsible if your fire gets out of your control.
A burn permit issued pursuant to this section shall not serve as a guarantee of the safety for persons or property.
The safety of persons and property while burning materials pursuant to a permit shall be the permit holder’s responsibility.
Warming or cooking fires may be allowed without need of a permit, but may be subject to inspection and may be required to be extinguished if determined to be a hazard or a nuisance by the Fire Chief or his designee.
What can I Burn?
The only items allowed for burning under this permit are:
Vegetative Garden and
Yard Trash
shall mean any and all accumulations of branches, grass, leaves, palm fronds, shrubs, trees, stumps, vines and other similar items generated by the personal routine maintenance of residential gardens, lawns shrubs and trees.
- Clear and area down to bare soil around your burn area to prevent the fire from spreading.
- Cover any non-combustible container with wire mesh to keep sparks from flying out.
- Anything items not listed above that are being burnt are illegal and can be subject to a fine.
- If your fire escapes, you shall be liable for costs of suppression and damage to the property of others.
Permit Requirements
Setbacks for Burning:
- Wood Areas: 25 ft (minimum).
- Your House: 25 ft (minimum).
- Other Occupied Homes: 75 ft (minimum).
- Paved Public Road: 35 ft (minimum).
Burn Pile Size: (maximum)
- 8 ft in diameter
- 6 ft in height
Burn Hours:
- 1 hour after Sunrise
- 1 hour before Sunset
Waste Pro does pick up residential yard waste on Wednesdays and this should be your first choice for disposal.
If you have any questions, contact you your local fire department.
(386) 698-1212
Monday-Friday: 9 am - 5 pm
Section 9.20 Crescent City Code of Ordinances
Section 9.20 Burning or burying garbage in city prohibited; burn permits; exceptions
(a) Except as provided for in this section, burning or burying Construction and Demolition Debris or Trash, as each is defined in this Chapter, is prohibited within the corporate limits of the City.
(b) Vegetative Garden and Yard Trash as defined herein, and tree remains, trees and other vegetative matter that normally results from land clearing may be burned pursuant to a timely obtained burn permit from the Crescent City Fire Department. The minimum conditions for obtaining a burn permit are as follows:
(1) Any tree that is planned to be removed as a result of land clearing may be subject to the tree permitting requirements of Chapter 18.5 of the Code Ordinances, regardless of whether a burn permit is issued.
(2) Maximum size of a burn pile shall be 8 feet in diameter and 6 feet in height.
(3) Minimum setbacks for burn piles are as follows:
25 feet from wooded areas
25 feet from the permit holder’s residence
75 feet from other occupied homes
35 feet from a paved public road
If the conditions prevent the permit applicant from meeting any one of these setbacks, then a permit shall not be issued and burning shall be prohibited.
(4) Burn hours shall be limited to 1 hour after sunrise and 1 hour before sunset
(5) Burning is expressly limited to residential property and the permit shall only be issued to the property owner, who shall be solely and directly responsible for the management and safety of the proposed burn.
(6) Permits under this Section shall be limited to residential land clearing and shall not be issued more than one time in a 12 month period. The Fire Chief has discretion to issue more than one permit in a 12 month period if he determines it is for a valid purpose.
(7) Burning is prohibited on windy days, regardless of whether a permit has been issued. Permit holder shall wait until wind dies down before commencing to burn pursuant to a burn permit.
(8) The fire must be attended at all times, with a water source and phone nearby in case your fire escapes or gets out of control.
(9) Smoke shall not obstruct visibility on roadways or be a nuisance to your neighbors. In the event smoke does obstruct visibility on the roadways or becomes a nuisance to the neighbors, the fire must be put out immediately.
(10) No burn permits shall be issued when there is a burn ban put in place by the Putnam County Board of County Commissioners or the City Commission.
(11) The city reserves the right to refuse a burn permit if it is determined that the clearing of the property is the result of a repeated failure to maintain said property in accordance with local code requirements.
(12) The city further reserves the right to require any burn permit holder to put out his or her fire, if is determined that the fire is creating a safety hazard or a nuisance to vehicle traffic or to neighboring property owners.
(13) Any other conditions set by the Fire Department or the Florida Division of Forestry. (See Code of Ordinances for full text)